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Rocket Man
Rocket Man font

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Don your Flying Suit and tighten up your Atomic Powered Jet Pack buckle! Pencil in your pencil-thin moustache and stick your head into that Rocketeering Helmet! It's Zero Hour, 9am, 1949! Five Days a Week, you ARE the King of the Rocket Men, ready to Burn out your Fuse on a Timeless Flight into Outer Space Alone!

Mission Control has advised our Space Race Typeface that Mars is not the kind of place to raise your kids and, furthermore, it's gonna be a long, long time until touchdown brings you round again to find you're not the man they think you are at home. You are in fact a ROCKET MAN; not a postman or a milkman, you're a modern man, a higher-than-a kite flying masked hero on your first manned flight to Infinity and Beyond!
  Price: $49.00

  Product Code: DL261I

Desktop & Base Webfont License:

Website pageviews up to 100K/month [Add $49.00]
Website pageviews up to 250K/month [Add $98.00]
Website pageviews up to 500K/month [Add $147.00]

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  • Six fonts (FirstStage, FirstStageItalic, SecondStage, SecondStageItalic, ThirdStage, ThirdStageItalic) with upper and lower case characters plus Western European international characters